Waking Up — Empathy in Action

Valerie Moselle
2 min readApr 22, 2022

These continue to be strange times. We’re all feeling it. If you missed my recent blog post Self Care is not Simple, you might revisit it now and unload one more of those obnoxious ‘shoulds’ from your overfull plate. It’s spring after all. Time for renewal. And for waking up.

Speaking of waking up, in our check-in after my meditation room the other day (these are FREE btw — join us) we spoke about Ukraine and a feeling of helplessness as voyeurs of a war from afar. Some felt moved to help, but immobilized.

As a group we talked it through. Here’s what we came up with:

First, consider turning those waves of empathy — the ones that overwhelm you when you watch the news — into action. This is the true definition of compassion: empathy in action.

If helping directly in Ukraine is pulling you, check out The World Central Kitchen. Just one beautiful example of empathy in action.

However, Jane Goodall, in an interview about her recent book The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times invites us to recognize that there is also plenty to do in our own communities. Goodall coaches us to,

“Take a look around, and if you see something that needs doing, roll up your sleeves and do it.”

It can be something small. Small gestures ripple out.

It is a tremendous gift to be in a position to be ABLE to serve. Even if what you do seems small, like washing a sink-full of dishes, or holding the door for someone.

This week some friends invited my husband and I over for dinner. They knew we were struggling with some family and work stressors and they wanted to offer support. When we asked what we could bring they said, ‘nothing!’ Can you imagine? What a meaningful gift: A simple meal, time, attention, and appreciation 🙏. We felt held.

The way we get through rough times is by helping one-another. Sometimes it’s your turn to receive. When you get that offer, be sure to take it. Our stoicism serves no one. But sometimes you are the one in a position to give.

In my experience answering that call feels even more amazing, and reminds us of what is most important…what we are really here to do.

I hope you get a chance to make a difference to someone this month. Every gesture counts.

(if you’d like to sign up for my personal newsletter, please do so here. I can be found on IG, FB, and CH at @valeriemoselle)



Valerie Moselle

Valerie is an Author, Educator, Steward of Yoga, Breath, and Somatic Meditation, Founder ReSourcing™, Co-Founder Luma Yoga, SC CA https://valeriemoselle.com